Why Advocate?

Do you know…​


…how extensive animal use is?  For those of us who have been familiar with the issues facing our fellow animals for a while now, we know animal use is pervasive.  It’s impossible to leave the house – or even while still in it – not to be exposed to some form of animal use, or negative comments towards our fellow animals.

You probably already know…


…if you’ve connected with a fellow animal in your life how incredibly rich and diverse their array of potential experiences and emotions can be.  Now imagine the same being true for all of the individuals out there, forced to endure moral atrocities beyond our worst imagination?

The good news is…


…through action, there is hope.  As Regan Russell (LINK) once said “I’m trying.  I don’t know if it does any good.  But I know doing nothing does no good.”  And Regan is right, the only way to change things is to act.  The world will not start to respect our fellow animals by chance.  Those of us who see them for who they truly are – individuals who are worthy of respect – must work together to bring about a new view of our fellow animals.

This is a marathon and not a sprint.  We must find ways that are both sustainable and hopefully tie into our passions for how to advocate for our fellow animals.  For Nisha and I, our greatest passion is starting a microsanctuary.  For others it may be through music, art, writing… or content creation for social media.  Regardless of where your passions lie, there is plenty of work to do when it comes to building respect for our fellow animals.  So let’s get started!

Oppose violence today

Empower yourself with the tools and community to oppose animal use.


Meet the fellow animal survivors who call Respect their home and make this microsanctuary what it is.


Read our heart-warming rescue stories and past newsletters highlighting our biggest news.

Why Vegan?

Opposing animal use is the beginning. However before we ask ‘How?’ we should really ask ‘Why?’


Are you near Atlanta Georgia? Connect with us so we can grow our local animal advocate community.