Respect Animal Sanctuary

A microsanctuary in the making

What is a microsanctuary?

Taking The First Step

The four of us have just embarked on our first adventure. We have all loaded into our converted van (Veganny) and migrated south for the winter, in preparation for finding our new home.
Once spring comes, the search for a location for our micro sanctuary will fully begin. Until then we will do what many of our fellow animals do, and hibernate, recharge, and reflect in Florida as we start this exciting new chapter in our lives.

Follow along with us on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok as we see what van life brings, all the free-living individuals who we meet on our journey and bringing the microsanctuary to life.

Site (& Sanctuary!) Coming Soon

Stay up to date as we bring our microsanctuary to life.
We'll respect your time and only send occasional e-mails
with the big stuff.

Join our mailing list

In The Meantime, Check Out Our Sister Projects

Live Vegan (Free Support)

Follow Nisha's Instagram for inspiring ideas for how we can respect our fellow animals in our kitchens.

Building respect for our fellow animals

Free resources and support for animal advocates and the vegan-curious.

As we have not officially taken in any fellow animals, the pictures you see on our website and social media are often from other sanctuaries, such as PEAK Animal Sanctuary.

Our Mission:

Creating a more respectful world through connections with our fellow animals.